Bill Ho
Course Director
As climate change effects intensify, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) emerge as potent tools to bolster resilience against disasters and climate shifts. Beyond serving as natural shields against hazards and reducing exposure, they play a dual role by extracting greenhouse gases and fostering ecosystem health. Both aspects are pivotal for realizing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) objectives. This training will acquaint attendees with NbS in the context of DRR and CCA, encompassing foundational principles and globally recognized NbS standards. Through real-world case studies from various Asian and Pacific regions, participants will gain insights into conceptualizing and rolling out NbS strategies for enhanced resilience. Participants will formulate an action blueprint detailing NbS integration into DRR and CCA initiatives by the course's end, ensuring alignment with global best practices.
Course Director
Course Coordinator
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